Sunday, November 30, 2008

Learning to Build

As usual, I have overextended myself. After finishing campaign mode, I've been in "play" mode. My inability to say "no" has landed me as Producer of the Wilton Playshop's holiday production of A Christmas Story. And as the playshop is overseen by the wife of the very nice man who has employed my son as a trainee chef in his restaurants for the past two years, I really couldn't say "no" when she asked me to produce.

For the past three weeks I have found myself engaged in volunteer wrangling, set building, set painting, organizing and begging.

Last night I reached a new level of building expertise. I actually built the railing for these stairs. I drilled the holes and bolted in the anchor boards -- using a ratchet wrench to tighten everything up. I measured, used a chop saw, and built the railings, screwing in a side rail and covered rail on top. Then I attached the rail to the wall, again, measuring and sawing to make it all just right.

For many, this is an easy thing. For me, not so much. But it is more fun than my day job (seriously). And while it doesn't result in an article that makes my client famous, it does result in a solid piece of foundation. I'm not ready to give up my career, but this is quite rewarding.


1 comment:

Michelle Parks McCourt said...

Wow - you can do it all can't you Toni!!

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